Wednesday, 14 October 2009

3.1.2 SHSH Grabber

This tool has just been released by iH8sn0w, it is called iReb and can be downloaded here.

Since blackra1n came out, users were able to jailbreak again with the latest firmware 3.1.2, but I imagine Apple will very soon patch the exploit currently being used thus preventing you from future jailbreaks. To future proof yourself so you can always use this exploit you need to grab your shsh files and put them on Sauriks server, this would enable you to downgrade your firmware and re-jailbreak if you accidentally pushed the update button in itunes. This tool will do this for you, just make sure to get your ecid code before starting, look at my earlier posts if you dont know how to.

1. Download iReb 3.1.2

2. Open iReb and select ;
3.1.2 SHSH Grabber For iPod Touch 2nd Gen / iPod Touch 3rd Gen / iPhone 3G(S)

3. ( Make sure you have Java Runtime installed on your pc )
If not download it here.

4. Now click ;
Yes its installed! Lets proceed
Launch Umbrella

5. Now enter ;
Your ECID code
Your device type
Either Saurik-Cydia or @saurik-Cydia and Locally

6. If you have done this successfully you should see your shsh saved at the bottom of the Umbrella tool.

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