Sunday, 11 October 2009

Blackra1n Installation

Let There Be Ra1n

1. Before installation make sure you have backed up with itunes, just incase.
If you are unlocked dont run this jailbreak because you will lose your unlock, and at the minute this is for windows users only, im sure a mac version will follow shortly.
This will work on all devices running 3.xx firmware, even an out the box iphone 3gs, however, ipod touch 3g users will be running a tethered jailbreak which means if your device is switched off (eg runs out of battery), you will need to run blackra1n to boot it again.
Another good thing about this program is that you dont need to restore your device before installation, which saves a lot of time!

2. Download blackra1n to your desktop.

3. Make sure all other programs are closed and that your device is connected via usb.

4. Click on blackra1n.

5. Click run.

6. Click make it ra1n.
This will now put your device into recovery, if itunes opens telling you you need to restore because your device is in recovery mode, just click ok, then close down itunes.
When a picture of Geohot appears on your device screen, jailbreak is done, your device will now restart as normal, the whole jailbreak process will only take approx 30 seconds, again itunes will open but this time it will just want to sync your device, which you can do if you want to.

7. Blackra1n will now be on your device springboard.

8. Open blackra1n, this will bring up an installation screen, here you can select to install one or all of these ; Cydia / Rock / Icy, you also get the option to delete blackra1n, this doesnt remove the jailbreak, it just removes the blackra1n installation app from your springboard, and dont worry, Cydia etc will still be installed.

9. After installation, your device will automatically respring, you will now have Cydia etc on your springboard, welcome to your new jailbreak.


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