Monday, 12 October 2009

How To Install Custom Badges

Badges are the bubbles that pop up whenever you get a new message or email etc. By default they are red, by doing this you can customise both the colour or shape of the badges, the numbers will still always appear. The ones in the picture are blue with the apple symbol in the middle.

Before attempting this make sure to check Cydia just incase the badges you want are there, if so download as that way is always easier.

Before Starting You Must Ensure ;
Winscp is installed on your pc
Your iPhone must be jailbroken
You must install ; OpenSSH & AutomaticSSH on your iphone via Cydia

1. Browse and download the badge of your choice from, to your desktop.

2. Rename this new badge ; SBBadgeBG

3. Open ssh on iphone.

4. Open winscp on pc and login to your device.

5. In the right hand column select ;
back / back / back / system / library / coreservices / / scroll down to SBBadgeBG.png, copy this original badge to pc just incase.

6. Drag and drop new badge into this file and select ; copy / yes to overwrite.

7. Exit winscp and reboot iphone.

8. New badges will now be in place whenever you receive a message or email etc.

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